
Journey synonym
Journey synonym

journey synonym journey synonym

An excursion is a brief tour or journey, taken for pleasure, often by many persons at once as, an excursion to Chautauqua. A tour is a journey that returns to the starting-point, generally over a considerable distance as, a bridal tour, or business tour. A voyage, which was formerly a journey of any kind, is now a going to a considerable distance by water, especially by sea as, a voyage to India. Travel is a passing from place to place, not necessarily in a direct line or with fixed destination a journey through Europe would be a passage to some destination beyond or at the farther boundary travel in Europe may be in no direct course, but may include many journeys in different directions.

journey synonym

A journey (French journée, from Latin diurnus, daily) was primarily a day's work hence, a movement from place to place within one day, which we now describe as "a day's journey " in its extended modern use a journey is a direct going from a starting-point to a destination, ordinarily over a considerable distance we speak of a day's journey, or the journey of life.

Journey synonym